Eastern Scheldt Storm Surge Barrier

Eastern Scheldt Storm Surge Barrier

The Eastern Scheldt storm surge barrier is part of the delta works that protect the Dutch province of Zeeland against high water from the Northern Sea.

This barrier is no less than 9 kilometres long and connects Schouwen-Duiveland and Noord-Beveland with each other. The safety system is designed in such a way that the gates are closed automatically at a certain water level. This has happened 27 times since this storm surge barrier was finished in 1986 to prevent flooding of land behind it. The Delta Works were built in response to the great flood disaster in 1953 so that a disaster of this proportion could never again take place in the future. The construction of the Oosterscheldekering, among others, has put the Netherlands on the map as a leading engineer in waterworks.

Nearby flights

30 minutes

From € 79 per person

Delta Works sightseeing flight

Midden Zeeland Airport

More than half of the Netherlands lies below sea level. The Delta Works were built to keep everyone safe and to prevent a recurrence of the 1953 flood disaster. 3 locks, 6 dams and 5 storm surge barriers form the Delta Works. They are the largest defence system against floods in the Netherlands. Anyone who wants to truly experience the Netherlands has to embrace the Delta Works as well- and a good way to do this is by plane!

45 minutes

From € 109 per person

Design your Zeeland airplane tour

Midden Zeeland Airport

During this tour, decide where we fly to with a private airplane and pilot at your disposal! In 40 minutes there is quite a distance we can cross within a 45km range from our starting point. So, always wanted to see your house, work, school, birthplace from the air? This is the chance to design a flight, so what is it gonna look like?